Tag: search
Articles tagged as Search
Learning to Fly
Posted on February 19, 2024 by
Peter Rogers
When we first start learning how to fly, the Knowledge bucket is just as full as we have made it.(Actually, at the start of flight training, the Knowledge bucket may be almost empty!) If we have studied hard, listened and taken notes during all our earth classes, and dedicated most of it into memory, our Knowledge bucket fills up steadily.We can readily understand the bucket filling, and this encourages us to study harder, learn more, and continually fill that bucket...
False Alarms
Posted on November 19, 2023 by
Peter Rogers
Everybody has heard the story of the boy that cried wolf.In Search and Rescue, we have a very similar situation involving ELTs (Emergency Locator Transmitters).The ELT is a excellent device designed to provide a timely response to a critical, potentially life-threatening, situation.But most ELT activations are false alarms, whereas many actual emergencies lead to no activation of the ELT.As backward as this may seem, it's true...