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Tag: individuals

Articles tagged as Individuals

Aviation, Safety for All

Posted on November 16, 2022 by Peter Rogers
Aviation has become for our planet what cars and autos have been in the early 1900's.They are now essential ways to move around from place to place.Without them, several thousands of people will be inconvenienced in any particular city.But, with this dependence so vital, it's even more important that aviation be safe.Over the course of the last couple of years, we have discovered that it's even more important to be safe and even that these essential parts of transportation can become deadly...

Do Jet Lag Diets Work?

Posted on February 16, 2022 by Peter Rogers
Perhaps the best know anti jet lag diet is the Argonne Diet, developed at the Argonne National Laboratory in 1982.Through the years thousands of people have downloaded copies of the diet online and it's reputed to have been employed by an impressive list of people including the late President Ronald Regan, the US Secret Service, the CIA and the US Army and Navy.In addition, it's purported to have been employed by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and the Canadian swim team...

How to Overcome Jetlag

Posted on August 1, 2021 by Peter Rogers
Jetlag seems to be every traveler's worst nightmare - especially if you're going away for just a brief while.What causes Jetlag? Jetlag is a condition that arises from crossing multiple time zones in a relatively short period and consequently disturbs your natural body clock or circadian rhythms.Other contributing factors include lack of exercise, dry atmosphere and alcohol.What are the symptoms of Jetlag? Arriving at your destination feeling attempted, groggy and disorientated are the most common symptoms...