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Tag: hours

Articles tagged as Hours

Don't Fly Unless You Use This Checklist!

Posted on September 1, 2024 by Peter Rogers
Before each flight, you execute a preflight inspection of the aircraft you will be going to fly in.You ensure that it's airworthy, legal and safe to try the skies.That's an important step that you need to never, ever skip.Another item to be sure of is one which might not maintain your aircraft checklist.That item is you.Make sure that before each flight you review the checklist.This tends to just be sure to are just as airworthy and safe as your plane...

The Quickest Way to Get a Flying License

Posted on December 19, 2023 by Peter Rogers
Sport Pilots can be trained and qualified to fly in Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) such as airplanes, weight-shift aircraft, powered parachutes, gliders, and lighter-than-air (airships or balloons).The Experimental Aircraft Association also believes that gyroplanes will shortly be contained in the LSA category, making a total of six distinct forms of aircraft that the sport pilot could command.The minimum qualifications for getting a sport pilot are that the applicant be 16 years of age to start training (or 14 years for gliders), and at least 17 years old to be eligible to take the licensing test (16 for gliders)...

Flight Plan

Posted on June 27, 2023 by Peter Rogers
If you are going to a country lying in the distant part of the world from your house, you are most want to take plane, if your trip isn't sea cruise.Plane is the fastest and the easiest way to reach your point of destination, but sometimes not the cheapest one.If you are traveling in your country boundaries or your way leads to the neighboring state, usually you have a choice of transport means - train, bus, plane - or even car...

Pre-travel Steps to Reduce the Effects of Jet Lag

Posted on January 5, 2023 by Peter Rogers
Ask any regular long-haul flyer about their experience of flying and you will soon find that everyone has a different"magic" formula for overcoming or avoiding jet lag.In reality of course no magic formula exists - and there's certainly no magic pill or tablet.There is, however, a great deal that you can do in preparation for your departure to help you overcome or eliminate jet lag and here are just a few hints:Maintain a consistent sleep pattern...

What Causes Jet Lag?

Posted on September 12, 2022 by Peter Rogers
Jet lag is a common sleep disorder suffered by many millions of travelers every day, whether traveling on business or for pleasure.In a recent survey of international business travelers, seventy four percent of those questioned said that they suffered frequently from jet lag.Jet lag affects individuals of all ages, although its symptoms vary widely from person to person and are inclined to be more acute the older you get...

Flying As A Hobby

Posted on July 6, 2022 by Peter Rogers
Ask a room full of people what hobby they have and you'll get as many answers as there are people.Others will confess that they don't have a hobby.They probably dobut just don't label it as such.By definition, a hobby is an activity or interest pursued outside one's regular occupation and engaged in primarily for pleasure.Whether flying, stamp collecting, chat rooms, trains, softball,scrapbooking, golf, reading, painting, tap dancing, yard work, crafts, auto mechanics, music, hunting down garage sales, sewing, fishing, cooking, boating, furniture refinishing, javelin tossing or a plethora of other activities or pursuits that the crucial element is balance...

5 Tips for Stress Free Long Haul Flights

Posted on April 15, 2022 by Peter Rogers
The world is becoming smaller by the day.Flying long haul to distant locations for business or pleasure is becoming increasingly more popular.There are more aircraft, more airports to fly to and more people ready to spend half a day or more in the air.It's quite simply easier and cheaper than it used to be fly long haul.Unfortunately, the experience of traveling to another side of the world can frequently be a stressful and exhausting affair, especially for the uninitiated or unprepared...